We aim to build sustainability and independence in our Indian partner organisations as well as the families they support. It’s our ambition to create sustainable funding to cover their day-to-day running costs.
In 2017 we successfully raised £80,000 (well over twice our annual income) to buy 4.5 acres of land and plant a coconut plantation. There are 404 coconut trees, as well as 33 Goava, 15 mango, 7 lemon and 12 nimboos trees.
The growing plantation will make its first financial return in 2021/22. Growing year on year, we expect annual income from the plantation to reach £5,000 by 2024/25. This will provide self-sufficient funding to cover the day-to-day running costs of our main Indian partner organisation.
In 20 years the plantation will have generated as much income as the original donated investment. Added to this, from the start, the money invested in the process of planting and maintaining the plantation has provided training and employment to local people. Each time a coconut yield is harvested it will provide employment for 20-30 women and 3 men, and their are 5 harvests a year.